Speaker Resources

Please check this page regularly as this information will be regularly updated.


The 2024 International Oil Spill Conference will occur May 13 – 16, in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Main Paper Authors, Alternate Paper Authors, and Session Chairs should refer to the instructions and deadlines in the Paper Author Section

Poster Authors should refer to the instructions and deadlines in the Poster Author Section

Special Session organizers/speakers and Session Chairs should refer to the instructions and deadlines in the Special Sessions Section

Short Course Instructors should refer to the instructions and deadlines in the Short Course Section



Registration is now open! Speakers (presenting authors) and session chairs are responsible for all registration, travel, hotel, food, and incidental fees unless otherwise specified. Please check your email for information on how to register as a speaker.

All speakers and sessions chairs are required to register by Friday, March 1, 2024; speakers not registered by that date may be dropped from the program. For general registration inquiries and support, contact registration@iosc.org.

Audiovisual (AV) & Classroom Set-Up

Each session room will be set up in either lecture or classroom-style seating and have:

  • Laptop (Windows)
  • Projector Screen
  • Projector
  • WIFI
  • Podium
  • One Podium Microphone/Handheld Microphone
  • Aisle Microphone
  • Wireless Mouse
  • Slide Advancer/Laser Pointer
  • Speaker timer

*Short Course Instructors should refer to their specific audiovisual listing sent via email.

Social Media

Promote your participation at the conference using #IOSC2024 and access the IOSC Marketing Toolkits for sample social media posts.

Paper Authors

Accepted Main Paper and Alternate Paper authors will submit a draft and final paper to the Paper Management Portal. Draft papers will be reviewed by a small group (2 – 3) of Paper Reviewers who have expertise in the field and subject matter. They will provide comprehensive feedback to be implemented in your final paper. Your assigned Session Chair will also review the feedback on the draft paper to ensure it is implemented in the final paper. Session Chairs will evaluate final papers to determine final acceptance to the conference. All papers accepted as part of the final conference program will be presented at the conference as part of a session and be published in IOSC Proceedings

  • Main Paper Authors who meet requirements for conference program acceptance and IOSC Proceedings publication will give a 20-minute presentation during their scheduled session (sessions are 90 minutes total). There will be 10 minutes at the end of each session for audience Q&A with all presenting authors. You may not go over your allotted 20-minute presentation time.
  • Alternate Paper Authors should prepare adequately to step-in as a Main Paper to present at the conference, if applicable. Alternate Paper Authors will not present unless a Main Paper is dropped from the program, but will still have their paper published in IOSC Proceedings

Authors are required to incorporate all feedback received from the Paper Reviewers and their Session Chair on their draft paper for their final paper to ensure acceptance. Session Chairs are an author's primary point of contact and assist with paper content, style, length, and format as well as final presentations/posters. In fairness to all participants, Session Chairs are unable to approve papers with significant, outstanding issues, or that are late.

Author Materials


Date Milestone
Monday, September 25, 2023 Deadline for authors to log into
Paper Management Portal and confirm acceptance.
Tuesday, December 5, 2023 Draft papers due.
Friday, December 22, 2023 Author headshots and bios due.
Instructions forthcoming.
Friday, January 5, 2024 Early bird registration deadline.
For general registration inquiries and
support, contact registration@iosc.org.
January 9 – 12, 2024 Author receive feedback on their draft paper via the Paper Management Portal.
Early March, 2024 Speaker training (virtual).
Details forthcoming
Friday, March 1, 2024 Speaker registration deadline.
Speakers not registered by this date may be
dropped from the program.
For general registration inquiries and support,
contact registration@iosc.org.
Monday, March 4, 2024 Final papers due.
 Monday, March 11, 2024 Session Chair final review due. 
Friday, April 12, 2024 Presentations due.
Alternate Paper Authors should work with their
Session Chair to prepare in the event they present.

Poster Authors

Accepted Poster authors will submit a draft and final poster to the Poster Chair who will review and determine final acceptance to the conference. If final acceptance is determined, your poster will also be published alongside your abstract in IOSC Proceedings. Poster Presenters are responsible for printing and bringing their poster(s) to the conference as well as for storing, setting up, and dismantling their poster at the event. There is no required IOSC 2024 Poster Template.


Authors are required to incorporate all feedback received from their Poster Chair on their draft poster into their final poster to ensure acceptance. The Poster Chair is the author’s primary point of contact and assist with content, and format.


Date Milestone
Monday, September 25, 2023 Deadline for Authors to log into and
confirmation acceptance due.
Tuesday, December 5, 2023 Draft Poster and any relevant changes
to abstracts due. The Poster Chair
will determine if changes are needed to your abstract.
Friday, January 5, 2024 Early bird registration deadline.
For general registration inquiries and support,
contact registration@iosc.org.
 January 9 – 12, 2024  Authors receive feedback from the Poster Chair
on their draft posters and updated abstracts.
Friday, March 1, 2024  Speaker registration deadline.
Speakers not registered by this date may be dropped from the program.
For general registration inquiries and support,
contact registration@iosc.org.  
Monday, March 4, 2024 Final posters and abstracts (if applicable) due.
Monday, March 11, 2024 Poster Chair determines final acceptance of
abstract publication and
PDF version of poster in IOSC Proceedings
and presentation at the conference.
Friday, April 12, 2024 Final PDF version of poster due.
Authors are responsible for printing and
bringing their poster to IOSC.
Authors are responsible for all fees.

Short Courses

Course Materials

Certificates of Completion & Evaluations

Short Courses are comprehensive instructional courses. Students who attend will receive a Certificate of Completion that will state the number of contact hours received and the title of your Course (AKA the topic). Students are required to complete an online evaluation for the Short Course in order to receive their Certificate of Completion. Certificates will be distributed electronically post-conference. 

Room Monitor

There will be a Room Monitor assigned to your Short Course at IOSC to assist with checking students in at the door and providing logistical support to speakers.


Date Milestone
Friday, January 5, 2024 Early bird registration deadline.
For general registration inquiries and support,
contact registration@iosc.org
Friday, January 26, 2024 Course outline due.
This includes a program outline, description/explanation of the materials you a
re thinking of providing, etc. Upload to Paper Management Portal for Short Course Chair review.
Monday, February 26, 2024 Instructors receive feedback on outlines and are notified of registration status.
Friday, April 12, 2024 All final program materials due- upload to Paper Management Portal.


Special Sessions

New for 2024, IOSC will offer Special Sessions to feature in-depth case studies, discussion panels, and more interactive session formats in addition to our great research offerings. Special Session Speakers should work with their designated Session Chair (information is forthcoming) to develop their session for IOSC.


Date Milestone
Early December 2023 Session Chairs will contact the Special Session
Lead Presenter/Organizer with instructions.
Friday, January 5, 2024 Early bird registration deadline.
For general registration inquiries and support, contact registration@iosc.org.
Tuesday, January 16, 2024 Special Session outline/agenda of content due.
Upload to Paper Management Portal for Session Chair review.
Friday, March 1, 2024 Speaker registration deadline.
Speakers not registered by this date may be dropped from the program.
For general registration inquiries and support, contact registration@iosc.org.
Friday, April 12, 2024 Final outline/presentation due for Session Chair review.


Contact speakers@iosc.org.
