IOSC 2021

International Oil Spill Conference

May 10 – 14, 2021 | Virtual Conference

The International Oil Spill Conference (IOSC) provides a vital forum for professionals from the international response community, private sector, government, and non-governmental organizations to come together to tackle the greatest challenges facing us with sound science, practical innovation, social engineering and imagination. This conference is an ideal environment for government agencies, contractors, researchers, industry, and other stakeholders to work together toward mutual objectives, through the exchange of ideas and lessons learned from actual spill responses and research around the world.

Why Attend:

Make sure your voice is heard at this international gathering of the key stake holders in the oil spill response community. Stay updated on the most innovative technological trends and regulatory issues that will drive the future of oil spill response. IOSC will bring together expert speakers representing industry, government, and academia to present their research on important topics such as emergency response, contingency planning, damage assessment, wildlife rescue/rehab and more. Dedicated networking breaks will give you the opportunity to expand your professional network and connect with the 1500+ attendees who come to IOSC!

Who You'll Meet:

Participants include operating managers; safety and security officers; regulators; plant managers; environment health and safety (EH&S) professionals; administrators; attorneys; environmental managers; purchasing agents; engineers; buyers; consultants; and others concerned with compliance, oil spill response, and/or cleanup. Attendees generally fall into the following categories:

  • Oil and shipping industries
  • Federal, state, and local government agencies
  • Port organizations
  • Tug and salvage companies
  • Pollution response equipment suppliers
  • Community and public interest groups
  • Marine scientists and researchers
  • Environmental organizations
  • Response specialists

Permanent Conference Committee

Conference Supporters

Media Sponsors
