Emerging Leaders Program

Emerging Leaders Program Sponsor


Invest in the future of your team by nominating them for the inaugural IOSC Emerging Leaders Program. This program will provide them the opportunity to make new connections, dive deeper into the operational lessons and technology advances, and more. They will walk away ready to make an impact for the environment, their community, and your organization.

About the Program
IOSC is committed to welcoming a new and diverse audience and facilitating their development in oil spill prevention, preparedness, and response. IOSC seeks to encourage those who have recently entered the community to become a permanent member and help the career field grow with passionate expertise. 

To support this goal, IOSC will offer an “Emerging Leaders” program to recognize, reward, and encourage those who have demonstrated commitment and interest in the industry in the early part of their careers to act as an inspiration for others.

Emerging Leader Benefits

  • Exclusive networking opportunities with senior personnel in the oil spill response community, including industry leaders, senior members of IOSC sponsoring organizations, and our keynote speaker
  • Onsite recognition and promotion of their selection as an Emerging Leader (website, social, called out in opening session, etc)
  • Access to a curated curriculum of onsite activities to help them develop their leadership skills
  • Mentoring opportunities with senior professionals in the field, before and during the event
  • The opportunity to submit their questions to our expert industry closing panel about the future of the oil spill response industry

Who Qualifies as an Emerging Leader

An Early Career Professional who:

  • Does not (yet) having formal management responsibility.
  • Acts as a “catalyst, not a commander”, exemplifying and encouraging high performance among their peers.
  • Is employed/active in the oil spill response industry (in any relevant sector including: Industry, Gov’t, NGO, Academia, etc) relative to the IOSC “pillars” of Prevent, Prepare, Respond, and Restore.


  • Commitment to the Oil Spill Community
  • Commitment to Growth
  • Ability to Put Learning to Work

Candidates for consideration must be nominated by a third party who is in a supervisory/senior role/position than they are currently. Self-nominated participants will not be considered, but candidates encouraged to approach senior personnel within their organizations to solicit nominations.


The deadline to submit a nomination has passed.

The deadline to submit a nomination is March 14, 2024.
